Quick Shoot

→ 30min session
→ 5 High-Quality images
→ One Location
→ One Outfit
→ Fully edited photos

Silver Package
→ 1hr session
→ One Location
→ Two outfits
→ Fully edited photos + all raw versions
→ Optional retouching + $25
→ 2hr session
→ One location
→ Up to three outfits
→ Fully edited photos + all raw versions
→ Optional retouching included
→ Option to bring 1-2 friends or family members
→ Another location + $50
Great for couples, graduations, and model shoots
Gold Package

→ Up to 3hr session
→ Two locations
→ As many outfits as desired
→ Fully edited photos + all raw versions
→ Optional retouching included
→ Option to bring 3+ friends or family
Great for families, couples, graduations, quinces, events, and more